Rex Wong

Rex Wong

Kum Shing Group


Mr Rex Wong Siu-han, JP is the CEO of Kum Shing Group, which actively participates in decarbonization-related projects. He is currently a member of Hong Kong Housing Authority, Construction Industry Council (“CIC”), Occupational Safety and Health Council, Steering Committee of New Energy Transport Fund and the Council of the City University of Hong Kong. He also serves as a Board member of CIC-Zero Carbon Park, member of CIC’s Committee on Environment and Sustainability, as well as the First Vice-President of Hong Kong Construction Association. Mr. Wong is a qualified BEAM Pro, LEED AP and a registered architect in the USA.

王紹恆先生, JP是金城營造集團行政總裁。該集團積極參與重大減碳相關項目。王先生現為香港房屋委員會、香港建造業議會、職業安全健康局、新能源運輸基金督導委員會和城市大學校董會的成員。他亦是零碳天地董事會成員、建造業議會環境及可持續發展專責委員會成員,以及香港建造商會第一副會長。王先生是獲認可的綠建專才、LEED AP,亦是美國註冊建築師