Ir Rocky Lau

Ir Rocky Lau

Head of Building Solutions

Ir Rocky Lau is an experienced and qualified system solutions professional who leads the Building Solutions team at EnerRight Intelligent Limited. He provides consulting and innovative building solutions for energy efficiency and sustainable development.

Ir Rocky is also involved in various professional societies and holds multiple certifications in different fields, he is highly active in various professional society positions in the industry, including Vice Chairman of Executive Committee at Asia Institute of Intelligent Buildings, Technical Advisor at CE100 Hong Kong, and Committee Member of Energy Institute Hong Kong.

He holds various professional qualifications in different areas, including MASHRAE, MCIBSE, MEI, MBSOMES, MHKIE, MHKICBIM, MInstMC, FAIIB, FHKCE, FIEAust, APEC Engineer, CEng, CPEng, IntPE, AEE CAP, PMI PMP, RCx Pro, REA and RPE.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

I hope Hong Kong transforms into a greener, smarter city, blending sustainable practices and innovation for a brighter future.