Ronald Ho

Ronald Ho


Head, Public Affairs and Sustainability

Ronald Ho is the Head of Public Affairs & Sustainability of foodpanda Hong Kong, overseeing government and business relations, strategy development as well as CSR and sustainability practices. With extensive experience in the industry, Ronald has been cultivating a broad network within the community and business stakeholders, facilitating communication with different government departments, facilitating gig economy’s development on behalf of foodpanda to balance the interests of different stakeholders. Ronald also focuses on strategising the CSR and Sustainability practices at foodpanda, including working with government and cross-section stakeholders to launch the industry’s first-ever closed-loop reusable packaging programme, ECF: Choose to Reuse, offering a more sustainable option to people in Hong Kong. Before joining foodpanda, Ronald was the Public Policy Lead at Uber and UberEATS Hong Kong, leading the brand in exploring all the opportunities in the platform economy.

何偉樂先生 (Ronald) 為foodpanda香港公共事務及可持續發展主管,負責協調政府與商界關係、政策發展及企業社會責任和可持續發展的規劃。Ronald憑藉在業內豐富的經驗,致力為foodpanda與政商界及社區建立良好關係、持續與政府各部門保持溝通,積極推動平台經濟發展,期望讓每位業界持分者的需求達致平衡。Ronald 亦同時負責策劃foodpanda的企業社會責任和可持續發展,當中包括推出業界首個可重用餐具計劃「環保基金:走塑從『揀』開始」
,與政府及跨界別合作,鼓勵業界為消費者提供更多環保選項。而加入foodpanda前,Ronald 負責Uber 及UberEats 香港區公共政策發展,帶領團隊發掘平台經濟的機遇。