Wander Meijer

Wander Meijer

Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden

Executive Director

Wander is a senior executive with 25+ years management experience in businesses and NGOs in Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America.

Wander leads Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden as Executive Director, where he and his team of 250+ staff work on biodiversity, wildlife rehabilitation, organic farming, reforestation, sustainable living and holistic education with the mission to harmonize our (human) relationship with nature.

Furthermore, Wander is business advisor of and impact investor in social enterprises in Africa and the Netherlands, related to poverty alleviation and agricultural transition.

Wander has a master’s degree Development Geography and Economics with as main subject: ‘Why are some countries rich and others poor?’ and what can we do about it! Specifically, how can we change our current economic model and human behavior to better live within the ecological boundaries of the earth.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

To make Nature the most important stakeholder in any (re)development plan for Hong Kong.