Yimo Zhang

Yimo Zhang

World Wide Fund for Nature

Priority Project Coordinator

Zhang Yimo is the Priority Project Coordinator of Sustainable Blue Economy, World Wide Fund for Nature Beijing Office. His portfolio covers sustainable fishery, sustainable blue economy policies, marine protected area and No Plastic in Nature initiative, etc.

Before, he conserved wetland and waterbirds in the Yangtze at multiple levels, from individual wetland restoration, sub-basin governance, and national policy advocacy. He is also the NGO focal point in China for Ramsar Convention, the inter-governmental treaty on wetland conservation.

During his 16-year in WWF, he coordinated and supervised WWF Pavilion in Shanghai World Expo 2010, facilitated the evaluation of a 5-year Yangtze programme and development of the strategy for its next phase, acted as the advisor to CEO of WWF-China, developed organizational strategy and roadmap, and managed the Flyway Network Programme. Thanks to the role variety, he had opportunities in working with different stakeholders from governmental departments and NGO fellows to corporate and academic institutes. Thus, he gained extensive experience in the operation of international NGO. He understand profoundly how NGOs can catalyze changes.

He possesses passion and love for nature. He holds the opinion that in the Anthropocene era, while it is still enjoyable to appreciate the beauty of nature in wildness, it is equally important that the governance and commercial investments relevant to nature should be improved, so that human beings can protect and utilize nature in a more sustainable and respectful way.