PLATIO Solar is a unique construction product by a Hungary based company, distributed in Hong Kong by Atal Building Services Engineering Limited. Platio Solar is a 3 in 1 sustainable solution: a paver that is actually a solar panel, manufactured using recycled plastic. PLATIO Solar Pavement uses renewable energy and recycled materials to create a sustainable building material for outdoor walkable surfaces around buildings, homes, or public spaces. From rooftop terraces of commercial buildings and driveways of homes to pontoons in marinas or squares and sidewalks of smart cities – it can be used wherever conventional solar technologies cannot be deployed. Our goal is to make sustainable technologies part of modern architecture and literally pave the way to aesthetic, space-saving and green power sources. We are already paving the way to a sustainable built environment in 34 countries worldwide.
Our sustainability goals for 2022:
As our main product is made of recycled plastic, the ramping up of production compared to 2021 will contribute to sustainability. Our goal is to recycle 37 500 kgs of otherwise non-recyclable plastic waste.
We continue our no-package-goes-to-waste programme, the essence of which is that storage devices (mainly containers and boxes) can be used along the entire length of the value chain from the suppliers to delivery of the finished products. Our goal is to keep the percentage of packaging material that is not reuseable below 10%.
We will continuously support the commuting of our employees by bicycle or other sustainable ways of mobility, in the summer 40% of our employees arrive at work by bicycle, we aim to make this number even higher, up to 60%. We provide changing facilities and safe bicycle storage for everyone at the factory and in our office building.
We strive for minimal paper usage during office work. Our goal for 2022 is to have less than 5 kg of paper waste from printing office documents.
Solutions Showcase:
UN SDG goals that we align with:
Legal Name: Atal Building Services Engineering Limited
Platio Brand Owner and Product Manufacturer: Innovatív Térburkolatfejlesztő Kft
General Enquiry Email Address:
General Enquiry Phone Number: +852 2561 8278/+36 70 3914708