Brilliant Design & Build Ltd


Entering the new year with high aspirations, we Brilliant Design & Build LTd takes great pride in unveiling our commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards. Our ESG Pledge is a testament to our dedication to Sustainable Development Goals, reinforcing our belief that small and medium-sized enterprises are pivotal in driving environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and robust corporate governance.

## Our Craft

At Brilliant Design & Build Ltd., we harness the existing milieu and the enchanting interplay of light and shadow to craft spaces that resonate with comfort and thoughtful design. With over fifteen years in the field, our ethos marries the synchrony of people and their spaces in an artful yet pragmatic union.

## Cultivating Excellence

We deliver bespoke design and renovation solutions that resonate with our clients’ unique business operations, brand ethos, and lifestyle preferences. Our approach has been refined over the years, earning accolades and approval from a diverse clientele for our efficient and client-centric processes.

## Advancing ESG

Our journey with ESG has been progressive since 2008, reaching a milestone in 2023 with significant backing from the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. This support has empowered us to weave ESG principles into the very fabric of our business operations. Here are our pledges across environmental, social, and governance dimensions:

### Environmental Integrity

– Transitioned to electronic records with the support of TVP funding, achieving a paperless operation.
– Championing ESG values, we offer our clients sustainable and green design alternatives.
– Selecting eco-friendly materials to lessen the environmental footprint of our renovations.
– Implementing systematic waste sorting and recycling at our sites, in partnership with eco-conscious waste management firms.
– Regular involvement in ESG initiatives to integrate cutting-edge sustainable practices into our work.

### Social Engagement

– Cultivating the next generation through internships, focusing on site safety and professional skills.
– Raising ESG awareness through active dialogue on social media and client interactions.
– Committing to volunteer work and supporting philanthropic endeavors.
– Membership in green organizations, advocating for ESG progress within Hong Kong.

### Governance with Purpose

– Initiated ‘Pre-Rental/Pre-Renovation Analysis’ to enlighten clients on ESG implications and facilitate informed financial planning.
– Offering ongoing maintenance services, we extend the life of infrastructure while ingraining ESG values.
– Adhering to legal standards, we ensure our designs and implementations are compliant and ethical.
– Employing a meticulous ‘Five Constants’ approach to quality and safety on-site.
– Utilizing TVP-funded client systems for transparent access to construction and maintenance records, ensuring safe future alterations.

## Our Vision

We envision Brilliant Design & Build Ltd. as a beacon of responsibility in the SME sector, continually integrating ESG knowledge into our corporate ethos. Collaborating with clients and partners, we aim to cultivate a greener, more sustainable community. We stand resolute in supporting ‘Hong Kong Climate Action Blueprint 2050’, translating our pledges into tangible actions.

With this ESG Pledge as our guide, we recommit to steering and embedding these principles within our operations, striving ceaselessly for a brighter tomorrow.


Our sustainability goals for 2024:

1. Develop subtainable interior scheme
2. Promote our substainable interior scheme to our client
3. Participate and push forward ESG in HK
4. Develop the client VIP system for documentation and maintenance
5. Only schedule project by acting faiirly to all clients even project sizes small or big, promote well preparation for fitting out works to reduce desiign changes or materials waste.
6. Provide opportunity to teenagers for learning site management and safety


Solutions Showcase:

  • Design/Interior Design
  • Engineering & Infrastructure
  • Facilities Management


UN SDG goals that we align with:

  • SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 Quality Education
  • SDG 5 Gender Equality
  • SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation
  • SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 15 Life on Land
  • SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals


Legal Name: Brilliant Design & Build Ltd