Job Matriz Limited


Founded in Hong Kong in 2022, JobMatriz is a smart connection between SME employers and slashers/ freelancers who can enjoy a seamless flow of job seeking and talent matching, job scheduling and execution as well as wage management. JobMatriz is talent analytic, skill-based hiring, micro-credential and fintechable.

Our sustainability goals for 2024:

– Promoting green job movement in every project and recruitment
– Increasing youth/ slasher/ freelancer uptake and education in sustainability
– Social inclusion

Solutions Showcase:

  • ICT & Data Solutions
  • Technology & Innovation

UN SDG goals that we align with:

• SDG 1 No Poverty

• SDG 4 Quality Education
• SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Legal Name: Job Matriz Limited

General Enquiry Email Address:

General Enquiry Phone Number: 61517264