Co-Headline Stage Sponsor
Co-Headline Stage Sponsor

European Stage

European Stage

Co-Headline Stage Sponsor
Co-Headline Stage Sponsor

Day 1 – Thursday 12th September

In partnership with

11:30 – 11:40

Co-Headline Theatre Opening Welcome

11:30 – 11:40


Hugo Leung

BNP Paribas

Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong

Hugo Leung is the Chief Executive Officer for Hong Kong, BNP Paribas and CEO of BNP Paribas Securities (Asia) Limited. He oversees the full breadth of the bank’s integrated and diversified offering in Hong Kong, encompassing all corporate and institutional banking activities.

As its CEO, Hugo is responsible for the overall management of the legal entity of BNP Paribas Securities Asia, supervising its activities. Prior to his current role, he oversaw Global Markets activities in Hong Kong including fixed income, equities and commodity derivatives business.

Hugo has extensive financial services experience and held various roles since joining BNP Paribas in 1993. He has a B.A. degree in Economics from Simon Fraser University in Canada.

Hugo was appointed as Independent Non-Executive Director for Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) in April 2017, where he serves on the Audit Committee, Board Executive Committee, Investment Committee, Board Risk Committee, Risk Management Committee (Statutory) and Listing Operation Governance Committee.

In April 2022, Hugo began serving as Non-Executive Director of OTC Clearing Hong Kong Limited and subsequently elected as Board Chairman and Chairman of the Risk Management Committee a year later. He was also appointed as Non-Executive Director of LME Clear Limited in July 2024.

11:40 – 12:10

Green City: Hong Kong Towards a Smart and Sustainable City by 2050 – Challenges and Opportunities

11:40 – 12:10

This will be a panel discussion about Green City on the European Stage.
It will consist of Professor Lapman Lee (Polytechnic University), Bert Bulthuis (Studio SITEC) and James Wong (Arcadis) where they will discuss their view on Green City:
Hong Kong towards a smart and sustainable city by 2050 – challenges and opportunities.

Green City also featured in the Hong Kong 2024/2025 Budget:
– $200 million earmarked for commencing trials of hydrogen fuel cell electric double-deck buses and heavy vehicles.
– Set aside $350 million for subsidising in-harbour ferry operators to construct and test electric ferries and related charging facilities.
– Put in place a 100% guarantee loan scheme for the taxi trade as an incentive to switch to battery electric taxis.
– An additional $62 million for food waste collection to cover more premises, and extending the food waste collection trial scheme for public rental housing estates.


  • Green and Smart buildings and construction.
  • Green and Smart transport.

Post-event Actions

  • How can you make Hong Kong a greener and smart city?


Prof. Lapman Lee

HK Polytechnic University

Professor of Practice (ESG and FinTech)

Professor Lapman Lee is a Professor of Practice at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, where he focuses on ESG, FinTech and Innovation, Governance and Risk Management.

He is a convenor of the University’s AF CESEF Sustainable Finance centre and a faculty member of the ESG and Sustainability MSc program.

Lapman advises financial institutions and listed companies on climate change and corporate sustainability.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Become Asia’s premier Sustainable and Transition Finance and GreenTech innovation Center.

Bert Bulthuis


Founder & Principal Architect

Bert Bulthuis is a native of The Netherlands who has been based in Hong Kong since 2012.
Originally from Groningen in the north of The Netherlands, Bert founded his first firm, Sitec Studio Architecture, in 1993.

He established a new practice in Hong Kong to expand on his Dutch building
philosophy in 2013. Both companies operate as one, under the company name STUDIO SITEC.

Bert and his team have designed and realized over 350 buildings, urban developments and interiors across the STUDIO SITEC practices, employing and collaborating with many talented engineers, architects, and designers along the way. Bert takes a 360-degree perspective on each of the projects he undertakes and is involved in every stage of the building process from meeting and talking to clients, creating concepts and designing and integrating building details to monitoring the process.

Bert is taking in his work the last years a more and more holistic approach where creating spaces is in balance with nature and where circularity, regenerative design and sustainability are monitored on a larger scale than the specific designs STUDIO SITEC is working on.

Bert is a chartered Architect and Member of The Royal Dutch Society of Architects.
Bert is also member of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce ESG committee and SME committee.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

– more focus on sustainability in the city building process where different scale levels are taken into account
– focus on a more circular approach within the interior building process
– monitoring, evaluating, analyzing existing buildings to make these more sustainable.

James Wong


Associate Director

James is the Associate Director of Arcadis, he leads the Infrastructure Strategy and Policy Advisory Team and Sustainability Team through Arcadis core service capabilities. He has been working with global strategy firms and help leadership in formulating policies and strategies for industry transformation, operational improvement, and achieving sustainability targets.

James holds expertise in sustainable construction, green materials and technologies, and decarbonisation strategy. He developed embodied carbon auditing frameworks based on relevant international standards and helped launch a carbon labelling scheme for certifying low-carbon construction materials. He also led a team to conduct embodied carbon assessment and formulate decarbonisation strategies for new builds and fit-out projects in HK and China. He was a member of Task Force on GHG Validation and Verification of the Hong Kong Accreditation Service of the Innovation and Technology Commission.

As a pioneer in modern methods of construction (MMC), James has taken prominent initiatives in promoting modularisation, automation and digitalisation in construction. His specialty further lies in data analytics and econometric modelling.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

– formulate roadmap for construction site electrification and clean energy adoption
– launch digital tool for embodied carbon assessment
– set up net zero carbon hub

Supported by

12:10 – 12:30

From Waste to Abundance: Transforming Hong Kong’s Food System

12:10 – 12:30

We will explore a broad vision for reshaping Hong Kong’s food system – one that transforms food waste from an environmental and economic burden into a catalyst for abundance. Today, Hong Kong residents generate one of the highest levels of food waste per capita in the world. But this challenge also presents a unique opportunity. By targeting inefficiencies across the food value chain, from production to consumption, food waste solutions in existence. Drawing inspiration from global best practices and local innovations, this keynote will outline a roadmap for transitioning Hong Kong towards a circular, regenerative food system – one that nourishes its people, sustains its environment, and generates prosperity for all. Together, we can turn the tide on food waste, moving our city, and paving the way for a truly sustainable future.


  • Exposing the True Cost of Food Waste in Hong Kong.
  • Unlocking the Potential of Food Waste.
  • A Roadmap for a Sustainable Food Future.

Post-event Actions

  • Concrete strategies for reducing food waste at the household and business level.
  • Awareness of opportunities to support or get involved in food waste initiatives.
  • Commitment to advocate for systemic change and collaborate across stakeholder groups.



Carla Martinesi

Chomp Limited

Founder & CEO

Carla is the Founder of CHOMP, Hong Kong’s award-winning food-saving app.
Having grown up between Hong Kong and Switzerland and being surrounded by nature, she’s always had a strong belief in protecting the environment and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come. With a background in F&B, she created CHOMP to make a difference in the world by addressing one of the most critical global issues: food waste.
The app reduces food waste by connecting F&B businesses, like restaurants and cafes, with customers who can purchase discounted meal boxes containing unsold items. Since 2021, they’ve saved over 20,000 kg of edible food from going to landfills, partnering with 250+ establishments, including Maxim’s, Shangri-La, and more.
Carla is also a Forbes 30 Under 30 and Tatler’s Gen T. recipient for her work with CHOMP and continues to spread awareness about the importance of tackling food waste to help our planet.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  1. **Achieve Zero Food Waste:** Implement comprehensive food waste recycling programs across all districts, ensuring that all edible and non-edible food waste is properly managed and repurposed, thus minimizing the amount sent to landfills.
  2. **Attain Carbon Neutrality by 2050:** Develop and execute a robust climate action plan that includes increasing the use of renewable energy sources, enhancing energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable transportation options to significantly reduce carbon emissions.

Supported by

12:30 – 13:00

Circularity and Leadership: Driving the Journey Toward a Sustainable Business Model

12:30 – 13:00

Sweden has long been at the forefront of sustainable development. Transitioning from conventional business models to more circular and sustainable models requires developing new strategies and working with innovative designs and leadership. In this session, Dennis Li, Sustainability Business Partner at DFI IKEA, and Kim Hellström, Green Investment Project Manager at H&M Group, will together with Aigul Safiullina, Ecosystem and Sustainability Lead at The DO Asia, discuss their work and approaches to a circular business model and the role of leadership in achieving it.


  • What is needed to accelerate development to reach identified goals?
  • The role of leadership in achieving circularity.
  • How does the journey toward circularity impact the value chain?

Post-event Actions

  • Learn about the experience and strategies employed to reach circularity by a major Swedish company.
  • Understanding the role of leadership in achieving circularity.


Aigul Safiullina

The DO Asia

Head of Ecosystem and Sustainability

Aigul is the Head of Ecosystem and Sustainability at The DO Asia, an award winning social impact platform with a mission to enable companies and individuals to thrive in a purposeful economy that is sustainable and innovative. With a background in environmental journalism across 3 continents and passion for climate leadership and mental wellbeing, she has become one of the pioneers of zero waste movement in Hong Kong. She is an active member of the Sustainability Committee of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong.

Aigul is also a Climate Leader trained under Al Gore in Mexico, certified breathwork facilitator and sound therapist.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. To bring together all ecosystem players as only together we can make tangible impact and change the status quo.
2. To include environmental health as one of the crucial pillars of our mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Kim Hellström

H&M Group

Green Investment Project Manager

Kim has been setting the long-term climate strategy for H&M Group. He has a passion for transparency and communication, working against corporate greenwashing.

Kim is committed to work with people’s mindset and ambitions to steer decision making. Recently he moved to our production organization to set up our green investment organization and finance our suppliers transition away from fossil fuel. .

My sustainability goals for 2024:

  • I would love to see much more investment in solar and wind.
  • My personal experience is that the ocean is getting dirtier, so I would hope to see that change.
  • Why is there not a proper “pant-system” in HK, I am sure that would be very efficient here to avoid trash.

Dennis Li


Sustainability Business Partner

Dennis Li is the Sustainability Business Partner of DFI IKEA North Asia. Prior to joining IKEA, Dennis worked across healthy and beauty, food and convenience retailing, in both Canada and Hong Kong.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

At IKEA, we want to have a positive impact on people, society and the planet. For us, it’s about balancing economic growth and positive social impact with environmental protection and regeneration. Our vision, to create a better everyday life for the many people, is our inspiration.

We don’t have all the answers and can’t achieve our goals alone. We’re working together with partners and striving to balance securing both economic growth and positive social impact with environmental protection and regeneration.

Supported by

14:00 – 14:30

Talent, Technology, and Transparency: Driving ESG Through AI and Financial Innovation

14:00 – 14:30

Explore how the convergence of talent, AI, and financial innovation is revolutionizing the ESG landscape. This session will delve into how organizations can attract and leverage top talent to drive ESG goals, the role of AI in enhancing sustainability outcomes, and the emergence of innovative financial instruments.


  • Leveraging Diverse Talent
  • AI in ESG
  • Future-Proofing with AI

Post-event Actions

  • Adopt AI Solutions Engage in ESG Investing Foster Diverse Talent

Supported by

14:30 – 14:50

Building a Sustainable Future: Education, Talent, and Climate Goals for Hong Kong

14:30 – 14:50


Mathilde Poirieux

Viviid Coaching Ltd.

Impact Coach and Co-founder

Mathilde Poirieux is an executive coach, Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentialed by the International Coaching Federation.
She is certified as a Deep Coach and works with leaders, entrepreneurs, changemakers and professional coaches across all levels of organizations, towards their aligned and sustainable growth.

Actively focused on collective progress, Mathilde accompanies her clients to take a deep dive into their inner self, and shine from their strengths. She co-creates with the people she accompanies their signature leadership style, based on their key strengths, through deep transformative conversations that shape life-changing journeys.

Previously a Talent Leader at EY for 13+ years, she has a wealth of experience with cross-cultural teams, high potential development and accelerated leadership skills programs. Mathilde has now a deep understanding of complex structures, what forms a professional identity, sources of tension, and the impact of different coaching approaches.

Her life experience informs her presence, as she went through multiple transitions as a professional, and in her broader life. This all sharpens her style in a pragmatic, systemic, playful, and immensely respectful way of being, where learning and progression are highly valued.
She co-founded viviid coaching, a platform to support sustainability leaders and changemakers to augment their impact.

A French national, based in Hong Kong since 2010, she enjoys life in Asia with her husband and four children.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

– FROM avoidance TO full awareness of sustainability challenges and actionable impactful actions

– FROM “they” TO “us, together”, embracing collective power

– FROM stress and despair TO collective action

Genevieve Hilton

Co-Chair, AmCham E-ESG Committee, Author, Fairhaven – A Novel of Climate Optimism

Geneviève Hilton is the co-author of Fairhaven – A Novel of Climate Optimism (as Jan Lee). She is the co-chair of the Energy & ESG committee of AmCham Hong Kong, and previously spearheaded ESG and corporate citizenship at Lenovo and BASF in Asia. She has been active in sustainability in the region since 1994.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

To inspire business leaders and individuals in the region to stay optimistic and take bold action to address climate change.

Peggy Titmarsh

Viviid Coaching Ltd.


“We are changing it or it’s changing us”.

I’m a system thinker who likes connecting with people who think (and act) broader and challenge themselves and the status quo. I deeply care about our planet and thrive on projects where I can grow my impact towards a healthier balance of people, planet and profit. My motto is “think big and take small steps”. I’m a constant learner and like to use my creative approach to solving complex problems.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited me as Professional Certified coach (PCC) in 2014. Having worked, studied and lived on 5 continents I have a high respect for other cultures and love the diversity in people. 18 years of corporate experience in the world’s top chemical company helped me to better understand the challenges of a complex matrix organisation.

Beyond coaching, I’m involved in various projects in the social entrepreneurship, impact and education space.

In my free time I like to connect with nature, family & friends and enjoy the colourful life of Asia and the world.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • more companies putting purpose alongside profit
  • growing number of B-Corps
  • increased focus on connection to nature in schools.

Lena Wong

Womentors Limited

Managing Director

Lena brings with her a combined experience in finance and social impact. Graduated from Simon Fraser University, Canada with her BBA in Finance and Marketing, she started her career as a financial analyst in Hong Kong. Following that she served in a number of asset management firms specializing in serving HNWI and institutional clients then she further herself by obtaining the qualification as a CFA charterholder.

With the arrival of her first child, Lena decided to invest the first few years focusing on the family and eventually landed herself into the social innovation space by founding Hong Kong Momtrepreneurs, a non profit organization that empowers mothers to continue having their venture. Alongside her consultancy business, she is also serving as Director of Impact for 100 Women in Finance in Hong Kong. Over the years, she has developed strong passion in sustainability especially on gender equality and diversity & inclusion and she is very active serving herself as advisors to various organizations such as JCI, AIESEC, Good Seed and a number of social enterprises.

In recent years, Lena has founded Womentors, a business with the purpose to work with companies to build better workplaces for professional women. Bringing her on the field experiences to the training rooms, Lena is a certified facilitator of 2030 SDGs Game, Hack your Box in Inclusion and Hack your Box in Sustainable Life. She actively combines various training techniques and practical experiences into daily perspectives that can reinforce key learnings to implement into everyday work life. Lena is currently working as a consultant for HKU/UBS Sustainable and Social Innovation Leadership Programme to build capacity and competence of current and future leaders of NPOs.

Lena is also passionate in mentorship where she had successfully rolled out mentorship programs for Business and Professional Women and 100 Women in Finance to encourage experienced professionals to be role models to provide guidance to the younger generation to be best of themselves. She also implements mentorship in fellowship programs in empowering mothers through entrepreneurship.

A mother of two girls, Lena is passionate to build a more empathic world with more gratitude for our next generation. In her leisure time, she enjoys having a sip of coffee or wine with friends and eager to learn. She is fluent in Cantonese, English and Mandarin.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities

14:50 – 15:20

Building Resilience & Capturing Opportunities through Climate Adaptation

14:50 – 15:20

Climate change impacts remain prominent even as we try to reduce our emissions. We are experiencing more and more extreme weather events, and businesses are suffering huge losses and damage from these events. In this session, we will discuss ways from the perspective of Zurich Resilience Solutions, which is composed of climate data scientists, environmental specialists, and engineers, to share how businesses can adapt to mitigate risks while capturing opportunities through climate adaptation.


  • Why is climate adaptation important?
  • How can businesses adapt to physical climate risks?
  • What considerations should businesses take into account?

Post-event Actions

  • Understand the importance of adaptation.
  • Learn about approaches to building adaptation through case studies.


Ken Yuen

Zurich Resilience Solutions, Zurich Insurance Company Ltd

Climate Change & Sustainability Risk Consultant

Ken Yuen is a Climate Change and Sustainability Risk Consultant at Zurich Resilience Solutions, supporting customers in adapting to the physical risks and impacts of climate change by leveraging Zurich’s proprietary tools and expertise.

Prior to joining Zurich, he was involved in extensive sustainability consulting projects across various Asian countries, including sustainability disclosure, carbon accounting, strategy planning, and risk management.

Ken holds a BSc in Environmental Science (The Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology) and a Masters’ Degree in Sustainability Leadership and Governance (The
University of Hong Kong).

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • Raise awareness about climate adaptation in the region
  • Support businesses in identifying, assessing, and managing climate risks

15:30 – 16:10

Navigating Opportunities in Climate Change: an Electric Mobility Case Study

15:30 – 16:10

In the race to achieve net zero, electric vehicles (EVs) are pivotal for decarbonising road transportation, which contributes significantly to global emissions. Technological advancements are enhancing the lifecycle and circularity aspects of EVs and batteries, making them greener at scale. Additionally, decreasing manufacturing costs are set to drive mass adoption.

Affordability is crucial for the success of EV companies, and substantial cost reductions are occurring across the entire EV value chain in China and Europe, where combined sales accounting for 80% of global EV sales. BNP Paribas experts project a USD800 billion global EV value chain by 2030.

What are the current challenges faced by the auto and EV companies, especially those aiming to expand internationally? How does finance support the trillion dollar CAPEX required for the industry, and what is the latest investor sentiment on the sector? What potential catalysts could accelerate EV progress or adoption?

Join us for a discussion with Geely and Invesco to explore these topics.


  • What are the latest trends and development in green mobility?
  • Potential catalysts for accelerating EV progress or adoption.
  • How auto companies are navigating global expansion challenges?

Post-event Actions

  • Gain insights into the USD 800 billion global EV value chain, including its success, challenges, and future outlook.


Chaoni Huang

MD, Head of Sustainable Capital Markets APAC

As Head of Sustainable Capital Markets Asia Pacific, Chaoni leads BNP Paribas’ sustainable finance solutions across asset classes for corporates, financial institutions and investors. Leading a growing Sustainable Capital Markets team and working with Global Markets, Capital Markets Group and coverage teams in Asia Pacific and the Bank’s global sustainable finance community, Chaoni drives BNP Paribas’ continued expansion and leadership in Asian sustainable capital markets.

Chaoni is an industry veteran with over 15 years of experience in sustainable finance having held various ESG-related roles at Natixis, S&P Trucost, MSCI and the United Nations. In addition to her role at BNP Paribas, Chaoni is also highly involved in the forwarding Asia’s ESG agenda through driving the development of sustainable finance ecosystems, education and advocacy in the region. She is Executive Vice President of the Hong Kong Green Finance Association and was a guest researcher at both the Green Finance Center at Tsinghua University and the China Economy and Sustainable Development Centre at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. In 2023, Chaoni was awarded the Best Sustainable Finance Banker in HKSAR by FinanceAsia and received the 2024 Women in Finance Excellence in Sustainability Award from Markets Media.

Chaoni received her Bachelor of Economics from the University of Warwick.

Norbert Ling


Portfolio Manager – Sustainable and Impact Investing

Norbert is a portfolio manager in Invesco Fixed Income Asia Pacific. He is responsible for developing and managing the sustainable and impact investing portfolios in the region. He is the co-manager of the Invesco Sustainable China Bond Fund
Prior to joining Invesco, Norbert was the lead ESG portfolio manager for BlackRock European Fixed Income Team and portfolio manager for BlackRock’s ESG Euro Corporate Bond. In addition, Norbert was the European Lead of the Global Fixed Income ESG Implementation Committee at BlackRock, responsible for driving ESG integration. He began his career at BNP Paribas as a credit analyst.
Norbert earned a BSc in Economics from London School of Economics and Political Science in 2010. He is a CFA Charter holder.

With thanks to

16:00 – 16:20

Finance: Session Details Coming Soon

16:00 – 16:20

16:20 – 16:50

Investing in Green Tech: Bridging Finance and Sustainability

16:20 – 16:50


Olivia To

Invest Hong Kong

Senior Vice President (Sustainability) Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Olivia To is Senior Vice President (Sustainability)Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Invest Hong Kong, the government department responsible for attracting and facilitating foreign direct investment into Hong Kong. She is a sustainability professional specializing in climate change and green technology.

She is an engineer by training, certified carbon auditor, carbon trader and WELL AP. In her previous role at the Environmental Protection Department of HKSARG, she worked with directorates to prepare Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050 and carbon accounting.

She holds a master’s degree in environmental engineering and management from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and a bachelor’s degree in Global Environmental Studies from the Education University of Hong Kong. She also serves as a Committee Member of the Energy Institute. As a rescue diver, she continues her passion in marine conservation at leisure.

Dr. Frederik Hetsch

Audacy Ventures Limited

Head of Science | Principal

Frederik has over 15 years of research, operational and investment experience in climate technologies across Asia, Europe and the US. As the founding member at Brawn Capital, a private equity fund manager specialised in renewable energy, Frederik was Director of Investments & Risk Management managing a portfolio of solar assets across Asia. During his time at Brawn, Frederik connected with the two founders, Li Tan and Toby Chan, of Audacy Ventures, a Hong Kong based VC investing at the nexus of Climate, Energy, and Tech. Frederik joined Audacy last year as Head of Science and part of the investment team to deepen the team’s technology DD expertise and to identify technology trends in Audacy’s three sectors of focus: electricity & storage, transportation & fuels, and carbon removal & utilization.

After graduating from LMU/Technical University of Munich, Frederik obtained a Ph.D. in Physics at the City University of Hong Kong, winning a scholarship to undertake research on new materials for third generation solar cells. He built and improved solar cell developing and testing laboratory facilities, collaborating with major international research facilities in Japan, Singapore, China, Israel and the US.

Fred Li

Gobi Partners

Senior Executive Director

Fred has over 12 years of experience in deal transactions, management operations, and turnaround. He graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance. He is a certified HKICPA Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA). Fred began his career as a restructuring specialist at Deloitte Financial Advisory Services. Later, he gained full-cycle deal experience and served on the board of directors of portfolio companies during his positions at VC and PE firms, including Senior Associate at Ocean Equity Partners (MFO), Vice President at CITIC’s CLSA Capital Partners, and Executive Director at Hywin International. He also acquired practical experience in business management, successful turnaround, and digital transformation as Group General Manager at Gaia Group, a company in his previous portfolio. Fred has accumulated valuable experience across technology and business operations, with a focus on university spin-offs, Healthcare & Biotechnology, GreenTech, SaaS solutions, digital transformation, and more. He has served as the panelist, speaker, trainer, and mentor for a number of universities and ecosystem partners such as BIOHK, HKSTP and Cyberport.

Ir Prof Andrew Young

Sino Group


Ir Prof Andrew YOUNG has extensive executive experience and is currently the Consultant on Innovation with the Sino Group, where he heads the innovation function as the Associate Director (Innovation) since 2017 with the responsibility to explore and identify innovations and technologies for application in the Group and explore investment opportunities in technology ventures.

Ir Prof Young is a Fellow of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and a Chartered Professional Engineer and member of the Institutions of Engineers Australia. He is an Adjunct Professor with The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, The University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong. He serves on various committee of different universities such as CUHK, CityU, PolyU, HKBU, etc. He also sits on various position in leading commerce and industry associations, serving as Chairman of Hong Kong Automation Technology Council and AI & Robotics Alliance of Hong Kong, Chairman of Advisory Committee of Hong Kong Centre for Logistics Robotics, and member of Construction Industry Council, etc.


楊孟璋教授擁逾 35 年高級行政管理經驗,現為信和集團顧問,自 2017 年起出任信和集團創新聯席董事,負責策劃集團的創新科技發展,及探討相關投資機會。


Day 2 – Friday 13th September

In partnership with

11:00 – 11:10

Opening Welcome – Headline Theatre Sponsor

11:00 – 11:10


Ashley Lau

Lufthansa Group

Acting General Manager, Lufthansa Group Airlines, Hong Kong, South China, and Macau

Ashley recently started working as the Acting General Manager of Lufthansa Group Airlines for the Hong Kong, South China, and Macau markets. With vast airline experience, Ashley is responsible for sales matters within Lufthansa Group Airlines. Additionally, she is actively helping to promote sustainable products of the Lufthansa Group and participating in various sustainability activities to further engage in this field.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • To continue working closely with the group towards the goal of achieving net CO2 neutrality by 2050.
  • To further promote sustainable aviation fuel to our clients and encourage environmentally friendly practices within the aviation industry.
  • To engage with various stakeholders to raise awareness about sustainability initiatives and encourage their participation in achieving sustainability goals.

11:10 – 11:30

The Sustainable Fashion Paradox

11:10 – 11:30

How great is the fashion industry, with all its creativity, dynamism, sheer size and opportunities.
Point out the challenges that the fashion industry is facing from an environmental aspect. And bring the solutions that are available to overcome these challenges. What Lenzing is doing about this but also what we all can do to support and make this industry truly sustainable.


  • Who’s task is it to improve the environmental impact of the fashion industry?
  • What can we in Hong Kong and internationally do about cleaning up the fashion industry?
  • Can Hong Kong and Asia commit to clear sustainability targets for fashion/textiles?

Post-event Actions

Determine what you can do to reduce the environmental impact of fashion:

  • In your private life (wife/husband, mother/father, among family and friends)
  • In your work life (business, organization, competencies)
  • Commit to 3 concrete actions that will create an impact


Vincent Leung

Lenzing Group

Global Head of Digital Brand Marketing

Vincent Leung is an internationally experienced marketing expert who is currently the Global Head of Digital Brand Marketing for Lenzing Group, an Austrian international company, by leading the global digital marketing strategy and direction.

Previously, he led the digital marketing and creative teams in Asia for Lenovo PCCW Solutions and oversaw BNP Paribas’ digital marketing communications for Asia Pacific, successfully expanding the brands’ presence in the region.

Back in Canada, he managed strategic marketing campaigns in corporations such as Canada Post and American Express, which boosted the companies’ brand reputation and greatly increased consumer digital engagement.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

– Raising the awareness and advocacy of sustainable fashion for Hong Kong and globally

– Enabling our collaborative and brand partners to contribute to UN’s SDGs through our partnership programs

Supported by

11:30 – 11:50

AI for Sustainable Practices in Retail: Bridging Innovation and Sustainability

11:30 – 11:50


Michael Keppe

Pergamon Labs


Michael is the CEO of Impala Services and Pergamon Labs, specializing in AI and digital transformation for the retail and process industries. With over a decade of leadership experience, Michael drives operational excellence and customer success through innovative solutions. Core competencies include developing strategies that align technology with business goals, utilizing AI to enhance retail experiences, and building high-performance teams.

As a Board Member at the German Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, Michael leads the Sustainability Work Group and the chamber´s AI strategies for corporate members, promoting Hong Kong as a business hub for German enterprises. Passionate about pushing the boundaries of retail technology, Michael seeks collaborations with professionals and organizations focused on technology-driven growth.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Transition to an All-Electric Public Transportation System
I hope to see Hong Kong transition its entire public transportation system to electric vehicles. Replacing traditional buses, taxis, and minibuses with electric alternatives can significantly reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality, setting a regional precedent for environmental innovation.

Reduction of Plastic Packaging Waste
Another goal is to tackle the excessive use of plastic boxes, bags, and other packaging materials in Hong Kong. Implementing stricter regulations and promoting biodegradable or reusable alternatives can substantially reduce plastic waste and encourage a more sustainable consumer culture.

Cleaner Beaches and Natural Environments
I would like to see cleaner beaches and better-preserved natural environments. Regular clean-up initiatives, preventing illegal dumping, and enforcing environmental protection laws are essential to maintaining Hong Kong’s natural beauty and ensuring it remains pristine for future generations.

Supported by

11:50 – 12:20

How Innovation Accelerates Your Company’s Transition to a Low Carbon Economy

11:50 – 12:20

Mr. Matteo Maravita from STMicroelectronics would like to give insights about the current technologies related to energetic efficiency and Mr. Walter Marin from FastPower would like to give a more practical overview with a case study.


  • Understand examples of technologies related to energetic efficiency.
  • Practical case study

Post-event Actions

  • Expand network
  • Promote new technologies
  • Share insights and know-how


Matteo Maravita


Head of AI competence centre

Matteo graduated in Electronic Engineering in 2001 in University “Politecnico di Milano” and joined STMicroelectronics in Tokyo in November 2006 after other experience in few other companies in Italy.

In Tokyo he has been working in ST at application level and leading the local System Solutions Lab, with key role of technical promotion and support of ST Solutions to local Japanese customers in Industrial and Consumer applications.
Since 2019 he has enlarged his responsibility to the new Asia Pacific Artificial Intelligence Competence Center, that he is currently leading. From 2021 he moved to Hong Kong taking also the lead of an additional technical team, the APAC Smartphone Competence Center.
In past 6 years he has been focused in the new area of Artificial Intelligence.



Walter Marin

Plug The Impact Limited


Walter Marin, Founder & CEO of Plug The Impact, Plug The Sun and Fast Power, is a successful and versatile leader with extensive global experience across renewable energy domains and solar energy management. He is spearheading the companies’ rapid growth with his vision to push for a transformation of the solar home system domain and micro/mini-grid solar solutions, making a difference in people’s lives globally. Thanks to a vast career of almost four decades in this sector, Walter’s wish is to put his experience and knowledge at the service of humanity.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • Faster speed to achieve better energy efficiency
  • Get more planning to use renewable energy
  • Faster adoption of sustainable aviation fuel

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13:20 – 13:50

Perspectives from Sweden: Integrating Sustainability and Trade

13:20 – 13:50

Sweden has a long history of international commitment and co-creation towards global sustainable development. Sweden’s Policy for Global Development (PGD) was defined in 2003, making Sweden one of the first countries in the world to adapt an overarching and long-term focused goal of policy coherence for sustainable development. Cooperation between trade and sustainability is also identified as a baseline for Sweden’s export strategy since 2015. This session will share perspectives and experiences of how the government of Sweden, Swedish agencies, organisations and Swedish businesses view work towards sustainable trade for a sustainable future.


  • How does Sweden work with trade policy as an instrument to promote sustainable trade?
  • How do Swedish companies embed sustainability practices and views in trade?

Post-event Actions

  • Gain insights and practical tips how businesses can embed sustainable trade practices in their supply chains and wider operations.


Louise Bergholm

The Consulate General of Sweden in Hong Kong and Macau

Consul General of Sweden to Hong Kong and Macau

Ms Louise Bergholm is the Consul General of Sweden to Hong Kong and Macau since 2023. Having served in various capacities in multiple geographical regions, she accumulated more than three decades of diplomatic experience. Her previous positions include Ambassador of Sweden to Bulgaria, while she was also formerly assigned to Washington DC, USA, and Jakarta, Indonesia. She has been effectively handling a wide scope of topics ranging from politics to economics, with a specific focus on trade policy and promotion.

Ms Bergholm obtained a Master of Science in International Economics degree from the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden, and studied history, political science and Spanish at the University of Stockholm, Sweden.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. Recycling stations near people’s homes at more places around the city – this could significantly lessen the volume of waste that goes to landfills.
2. A few degrees warmer in offices, shopping malls and other public spaces. In many places, the aircon is working at lower temperatures than what’s really needed. This would save a lot of precious energy.

Erik Halldén


Sustainability Advisor

Erik Halldén is leading SEB’s sustainability initiatives in Asia. He has been working with Sustainable Finance and Sustainability in various roles since 2015.

SEB is a leading northern European financial services group, with a history dating back to 1856. Our purpose is to positively shape the future, with responsible advice and capital. Today and for generations to come. We have a strong ambition to accelerate the pace towards a sustainable future for people, businesses and society. We want to be a leading catalyst in the sustainability transition.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

– Hong Kong has a huge potential for EV cars, trucks and buses which beyond reducing emission also reduces noise pollution. I would welcome a faster deployment.

– Make it easier for everyone to live more sustainable, increase the number of recycling stations, prohibit unnecessary packaging materials, increase the number of water refill stations and public EV charging stations.

Emmanuel Jupet

Volvo Buses, Region APAC North

Managing Director

Emmanuel Jupet, Managing Director, Region APAC North, Volvo Buses, has been a driving force within the Volvo Group for 27 years. As an engineer, he is committed to ensuring that the products/services he works with create a positive impact on society. With extensive experience in purchasing, engineering, marketing, business development, and sales, Emmanuel has cultivated a holistic perspective. His multicultural exposure in countries like France, India, China, and Sweden has deepened his understanding of diverse needs. Based in Hong Kong since August 2020, Emmanuel remains dedicated to the pivotal role of buses in society and their contribution to sustainability.

Johan Thurée

Business Sweden

Market Manager Hong Kong

Mr. Johan Thurée is the Market Manager for Hong Kong at Business Sweden since 2024, responsible for the promotion of Swedish exports and in supporting Swedish companies grow their business in the Hong Kong market. Prior to his role in Hong Kong, he was based in Beijing for 3 years working with a wide range of sectors and projects across Asia as a Senior Project Manager, supporting Swedish companies through promotional platforms, market entry strategies, growth strategies, partner searches and more. Prior to joining Business Sweden, Mr. Thurée worked as a strategy consultant at Accenture Strategy as well as Ericsson in Stockholm, Sweden.

Mr. Thurée obtained a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management from Linköping University in Sweden. He also conducted a one-year exchange from Linköping University to Fudan University, Shanghai, as part of his studies.


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13:50 – 14:10

Turning Deforestation Trade Compliance into a Sustainability Advantage

13:50 – 14:10

Soon, companies trading forest-based products in Europe will need to comply with the EU Regulation on Deforestation-free Products (EUDR). With the regulation set to take effect for most companies on 30 December 2024, businesses face a critical need to prepare. This session will focus on the essential steps companies should consider as they gear up for compliance, ensuring they are not just meeting requirements but also leveraging them for strategic advantage.

Drawing on over 30 years of responsible forestry expertise, the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) offers technology-driven solutions that can help businesses navigate the complexities of EUDR compliance. We will explore how FSC’s offerings support traceable supply chains, enhance sourcing assurance, and drive sustainability leadership. Through real-world case studies, you’ll discover how FSC is empowering companies to transform EUDR challenges into opportunities for positive impact across global supply chains.


1. EUDR – What, When, and Why

2. How Blockchain help achieve EUDR compliance

3. Is EUDR catalyzing “Race to Zero”

Post-Event Actions

1. Commit to the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

2. Check product labels – Choose responsible forest products

3. Respect nature – Conserve and learn from Forests


Michelle Wong

Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) Asia-Pacific

Deputy Regional Director

Dr. Michelle Wong serves as the Deputy Regional Director of the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) Asia-Pacific, bringing over two decades of expertise in environmental science and policy to the role. Her extensive contributions have spanned critical areas such as air quality, climate mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation, urban planning, and sustainable building practices.

Michelle’s unique blend of academic rigor and hands-on experience—gained from her work in universities, NGOs, and policy think tanks—has been pivotal in advancing evidence-based policymaking in Hong Kong. Notably, she played a key role in shaping the Greater Bay Area’s ship emission control measures, reflecting her deep commitment to impactful environmental governance.

Currently, Michelle is at the forefront of efforts to ensure compliance with the EU Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR), a vital initiative in combating climate change and safeguarding biodiversity. She is also leading initiatives to enhance forest management through the promotion of nature-based financial disclosures and aligning economic practices with environmental stewardship.

Outside of her professional scope, Michelle is an avid nature enthusiast and engages in various artistic endeavours, embodying a well-rounded approach to both life and leadership.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

In 2025, I’m focused on the 3Rs—reduce, reuse, recycle—while advocating for adopting forest-based materials as alternatives to plastic. This goal sharpens our path toward a Net Zero future, fostering more conscious and sustainable decision-making.

14:50 – 15:20

Transportation Tech Talks: Powered by BritCham

14:50 – 15:20


Dr Vincent Cheng


Fellow and East Asia Climate and Sustainability Services Leader

Dr Vincent Cheng is a Fellow and Director of Climate and Sustainability Services at Arup in East Asia. He leads a group of design engineers and specialists working on some of the most sustainable projects across the region and advising clients on their transition to zero carbon.

Some of his most exemplar projects include the Green Building Grand Award winners Victoria Dockside, The Henderson and The AIRSIDE in Hong Kong, South Beach in Singapore and Samsung Green Tomorrow in South Korea. In particular, his work on the Kai Tak District Cooling System is pivotal in responding to Hong Kong’s climate action plan.

Dr Cheng actively shares his expertise to the industry through involvement in professional institutions and government committees, including Hong Kong Green Building Council’s Board of Directors and Environment Bureau’s Energy Advisory Committee. His visions in green buildings, masterplanning and policy advocacy have been encapsulated in his book Building Sustainability in East Asia – Policy, Design and People. His life-long dedication in sustainability has earned him the Sustainability Leader of the Year in Hong Kong Sustainability Award 2018/19.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

• Encourage a higher adoption rate of green building certifications to raise industry standards and promote sustainable building practices across all construction projects in Hong Kong

• Advocate for the incorporation of sustainable urban planning principles and nature-based solutions in the development of Hong Kong’s New Development Areas, focusing on creating walkable neighborhoods, enhancing public transportation systems, and preserving green spaces to foster a more sustainable and resilient city

• Champion the principles of a circular economy within the building industry by promoting strategies like materials reuse, recycling, and waste reduction to minimise resource depletion and waste generation

Nic Fong

Cathay Pacific

Corporate Sustainable Aviation Fuel Programme Manager

Nic has been in the airline industry for more than 9 years working for multinational flagship airlines and now manages the B2B and B2C decarbonization commercial strategy for Cathay.

Nic has attended various conferences and events on aviation sustainability to share among and gain insights from the commercial community and airline peers. Tackling climate change is a difficult topic but Nic is dedicated to contribute for the industry and society to create a sustainable future.

Processing strong belief on making change for better life, Nic is looking forward to expressing his vision with wider public and encouraging everyone to join force on sustainability.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • More people to get to know what is Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
  • Travellers are willing to contribute to decarbonize air travel
  • More people to take sustainable practices in their daily life

Tracey Liao

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

Assurance Partner

Professional Service Experience:

Tracey is a partner of PwC Hong Kong and she leads PwC’s Transportation and Logistics practice for Mainland China and Hong Kong.

With over 25 years of in-depth experience in large numbers of IPOs, M&A and audit engagements particularly in assisting enterprises to address complicated restructuring, financial and tax issues to both private and public enterprises.

Tracey is currently a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and Certified Public Accountants in Australia.

Member of Hong Kong Shipowners Association

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

The transportation and logistics industry has been disrupted on all fronts and is facing an immense change from digital transformation, geopolitical impact, new market entrants to changing customer expectations and new evolving business models.

Our role is to co-create solutions in the areas at the top of CEOs’ strategic agendas and to overcome the challenges clients are facing to build trust and deliver sustained outcomes.

Supported by

15:20 – 15:50

Sustainable Travel : Initiatives and Innovations

15:20 – 15:50

As the travel industry continues to evolve, the focus on sustainability has never been more critical. This panel discussion will bring together leaders from Lufthansa Group, Miramar Travel, and the Switzerland Tourism to explore the dynamic interplay between travel and sustainability. The session will delve into the innovative strategies, technological advancements, and collaborative efforts these organizations are employing to promote sustainable travel practices.


  • What emerging technologies or innovations do you believe have the potential to transform the travel industry towards greater sustainability?
  • What are the biggest challenges your organization faces in implementing sustainable practices, and how are you addressing them?
  • How do you educate and engage your customers about sustainable travel practices, and what has been the response?

Post-event Actions

  • Develop campaigns and programs to raise public awareness on the benefits and practices of sustainable travel.
  • Seek new strategic partnerships and further strengthen existing partnerships and collaborations with industry leaders and organizations focused on sustainability.
  • Gather and analyze customer feedback on sustainability initiatives to refine and enhance service offerings.
  • Accelerate the adoption and integration of emerging technologies discussed during the event, aiming to reduce carbon footprint and improve operational efficiency.


Haily Kwan

Lufthansa Group

Key Account Manager

Haily Kwan is a Key Account Manager in Lufthansa Group Airlines.
Responsible for Sales, New Distribution Capability (NDC), Marketing activities and work closely with Corporate, Travel Agents and Partners to promote sustainable travel.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • To create an equitable and regenerative future together with our clients, partners and communities.
  • To drive positive environmental change by raising awareness about sustainability.
  • To encourage clients/ business partners to adopt sustainable practice and share their efforts to their customers, employees or organization

Rosa Lau

Switzerland Tourism

District Manager

Work closely with Travel Agents and Media in Hong Kong & South China.

Alex Lee

Miramar Travel

General Manager

Mr Lee has joined Miramar Travel in May 2008 as General Manager, he was also concurrently appointed as Director of Marketing Strategy and Development – Hospitality in Miramar Group from August 2021. Mr Lee has a rich experience with more than 35 years in travel industrty and is curently held a role as Outbound committee of the Travel Industry Council and Outbound Tour Operators Association.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Travel Go Green

With thanks to

15:50 – 16:20

Transportation: Exploring UK’s Clean Solution in Hong Kong

15:50 – 16:20

This 30-min session will provide you an insightful overview of the decarbonisation journey from the transportation field in Hong Kong and the UK, together with Alexander Dennis from bus industry and Purus from Maritime industry. Demonstrating their Clean Growth roadmap, to its application on the ground by innovative solutions. We hope this opportunity to shed light on the pivotal role that UK industry plays on the global stage, exploring a green path in Hong Kong with practical examples.


  • UK Path to Net Zero journey
  • How UK energy solution and strategy tap into HK transport market?
  • What are the opportunities in Hong Kong and how do they face the challenges?
  • Views on the environment between Hong Kong and UK transportation field.

Post-Event Actions

  • Raise public awareness on new energy in transportation field.
  • Explore potential partnership with new innovation and industry players.
  • Attract tech solution/ innovative businesses to expand to the UK market.


Corin Wilson

British Consulate-General Hong Kong

Director, Trade & Investment

Corin is a career diplomat with nearly twenty years focussing on international trade for the UK Government.

Corin began his diplomatic career in China, based in Beijing, focussing on investment into the UK. Working with companies including China Mobile, Bank of China, Huawei from 2005 to 2009, he also led on Ministerial delegations to and from China including to the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Upon returning from a posting to South Africa where he focused on the energy sector and supporting South African investment into the UK, Corin established the UK Government’s first commercial team on smart cities. Working globally to promote UK technological expertise in areas including intelligent transport systems, energy efficiency and data analytics, Corin also led trade missions to South East Asia and Europe as well as the UK’s presence at the Smart Cities Expo, Barcelona, from 2014 to 2016.

In 2016 Corin took up a posting in India, leading the UK’s advanced engineering interests. Promoting UK expertise in areas including aerospace, automotive and advanced manufacturing techniques, Corin worked closely with companies including Rolls-Royce, Airbus, Tata, Mahindra and Godrej. Before leaving India in 2020 he also led on UK/India collaboration in the space industry.

Corin has been Director, Trade & Investment in the Department for Business and Trade, based in the British Consulate General, Hong Kong since September 2020, leading teams focussing on industries including technology and innovation, financial services, infrastructure and creative.

Andy Boulton

Alexander Dennis (Asia Pacific) Ltd

Managing Director

Andy Boulton, the Managing Director at Alexander Dennis (Asia Pacific) Ltd.

“Following my Engineering degree at Warwick and 3 years at the London Transport Museum in Covent Garden, my career started with Dennis Specialist Vehicles as a Technical Service Engineer with responsibility for Fire Appliance service issues. This soon developed into coach and then double-deck bus and I saw the hugely successful Trident into service in London back in 1998.

I spent nearly 5 years in the Far East in Hong Kong and Singapore managing Dennis’ interests in the Asia Pacific region before returning to the UK to head up the Alexander Dennis Chassis Sales team in Guildford. In this role, I managed the entry into service the ADL hybrid buses.

After a couple of years in Australia, I returned to Hong Kong as the Business Development and Technical Director for Alexander Dennis (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Here, I promoted and develop the ADL products through working closely with customers to meet the unique requirements of the respective territories.

For the last 2 years, I have been the Managing Director for Alexander Dennis (Asia Pacific) Ltd with overall responsibility for Alexander Dennis’s activities in the Asia Pacific Region.”

Jonathan Silver


General Counsel

Jonathan Silver is General Counsel at Purus.

Jonathan has 20 years’ legal experience in maritime, debt finance & leases. He was previously a partner in the shipping and ship finance department at the international law firm Watson Farley & Williams LLP, based in Hong Kong. Prior to that he was a partner at Maples Group, providing Marshall Islands and BVI and Cayman legal services. Jonathan worked as Head of Shipping, North Asia at the international law firm Norton Rose Fulbright from 2004 to 2019 (with a short stint at a boutique law firm in Hong Kong). Jonathan is qualified as a lawyer in the BVI, England & Wales, Hong Kong, Ireland and the Marshall Islands and is appointed as a notary public in Hong Kong. His specialist areas include shipping, ship finance, banking (debt, leases), commodities, oil & gas and general finance.

Jonathan took a BA (Hons) degree in Chinese at S.O.A.S (University of London) before qualifying in law at City University (London) and City University (Hong Kong).

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All sessions are subject to change.