Mark Jackson

Mark Jackson

Reputation Works

Managing Director

Mark founded Reputation Works to help businesses of all sizes build and enhance their reputations through storytelling with a particular focus on the complex challenge of communicating around sustainability.

Mark has more than 30 years’ experience of working with some of the world’s most renowned brands – including Google, Microsoft, Apple and American Express.

He is fluent in all aspects of communications: media relations, content creation, executive comms, employer branding and internal communications, crisis management, stakeholder engagement, activation and sponsorship.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

If our city is going to make good on the pledges it made in the Paris Agreement, it is high time the Hong Kong SAR government put sustainability at the forefront of its policy making rather than after-thought.

This will need all of us to hold the government to account, particularly when it back-tracks on flagship policies such as the waste charging scheme.

We also need to hold ourselves to account for our behaviour aiming to reduce, reuse and recycle wherever possible, whether that’s eating less meat, travelling less often or taking the choice not to upgrade our wardrobes each season.