EnviroSeries Conference is BEC’s flagship event that aims to provide a cross-sector forum for stakeholders to discuss and address key issues related to Hong Kong’s environmental sustainability, and serves as a BEC’s key initiative for thought leadership development on important topical issues.
The Hong Kong SAR Government’s Climate Action Plan 2050 (“CAP2050”) has defined climate action areas under a four-pronged decarbonisation strategy – net-zero electricity generation, energy saving and green buildings, green transport, and waste reduction. Progressive corporates are also investing further on greenhouse gas mitigation measures in response to global call for net-zero transition. The upcoming BEC EnviroSeries Conference brings audience to the latest development of several decarbonisation areas with specific relevance to Hong Kong.
- 0925 – 0930 / Opening Remarks
- 0930 – 0950 / Keynote Speeches
- 0950 – 1100 / Session 1: Carbon Market and Internal Carbon Pricing
- 1100 – 1130 / Networking Break
- 1130 – 1240 / Session 2: Building Energy Efficiency through Digitalisation
- 1240 – 1400 / Lunch Break
- 1400 – 1415 / Keynote Speeches
- 1415 – 1515 / Session 3: Circular Ecosystem and Opportunities of Electric Vehicle Batteries
- 1515 – 1545 / Networking Break
- 1545 – 1645 / Session 4: Business Preparation towards Regulation of Single-use Plastics
- 1645 – 1650 / Closing
Reserve your seat now.