Hong Kong’s has commited to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, as well as ban the new registration of Internal Combustion Engine (“ICE”) private cars (including plug-in hybrid vehicles) by 2035. Successful delivery of these remarkable milestones requires Government, industries, and academia to critically examine the current status, opportunities, barriers, and resources required to strengthen the city’s capability in transitioning to zero emission road transport. To supplement this, the Zero Emissions Mobility Consortium was formed in July 2021 and comprises of major franchised bus operators, power companies, and a variety of academic, research, and non-profit organisations (“Members”). Equipped with wide spectrum of deep knowledge of the subject matter, Members held nine meetings from July 2021 to June 2022 to discuss the way forward to realise the zero emission goal for road transport in Hong Kong.

With a white paper endorsed by its members, the ZEMC aims to provide concrete recommendations to the Administration as well as Legislators, assisting them in bringing about the desired policy changes. The ZEMC hopes to collaborate with the Government and take these recommendations into consideration and work together to resolve both technical and non-technical issues while propelling Hong Kong’s decarbonisation strategy for the road transport sector.