Repeated outbreaks of Covid-19 have raised health concerns among elderly. RHT Industries Limited has therefore invented a new product – “NCCO Anti-Epidemic Mobile Cabin”, to improve the situation in Elderly Homes.
With this Mobile Cabin installed, even if Covid-19 patients are not immediately transferred to hospitals, they can temporarily stay in this isolated safe space. This can prevent an outbreak within the nursing home, also provides a safe space for dining and resting for staffs.

Key Features of NCCO Anti-Epidemic Mobile Cabin
- 14 rounds of air circulation are done every hour
- Extract Ventilation System: limits the inflow of unfiltered air and chance of transmitted disease through air
- NCCO technology is proven effective in eliminating 99.98% COVID-19 particles
- Entire isolation unit is sustainable. It can be dismantled, stored and re-installed in the future if needed
- Air filtration is achieved indoor and doesn’t affect room temperature. It has no impact on air conditioning costs nor create extra waste or pollution