Swire Pacific has released its Sustainability Report 2023, which details the Group’s progress in delivering its SwireTHRIVE sustainable development strategy during the reporting year. The strategy sets out Swire Pacific’s ambitions for achieving net zero carbon emissions, water neutrality and zero waste to landfill by 2050, as well as having 30% of the Board and senior leadership roles filled by women this year.
Our priority areas, commitments and progress

2023 highlights
-Increased the amount of sustainable finance as a proportion of the Group’s total financing to 47%
-Allocated HK$84.8 million to innovative cleantech solutions that reduce our carbon, waste and water footprint of our operating companies via the Swire Pacific Sustainable Development Fund
-Strengthened our understanding of climate risk and our TCFD disclosure by conducting climate scenario analysis at the Group level
-Piloted Internal Carbon Pricing with three operating companies that account for 96% of our operational emissions
-Achieved our near-term target to have 30% of women on the Swire Pacific Board of Directors by 2024
-Embarked on a comprehensive Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging assessment with four operating companies in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland
-Distributed HK$35 million to local programmes through the Swire Group Charitable Trust