The apparel industry is a significant contributor to the climate crisis and nothing short of universal action is required to address it. It is in this context that The Carbon Leadership Program (CLP) was developed by RESET Carbon and Apparel Impact Institute (Aii) to promote positive change through using transparency, independently validated data and a standardized approach for the apparel industry.

The CLP is now the largest supply chain carbon reduction initiative in the apparel sector for Asian manufacturing facilities, bringing together action-oriented clothing and fashion brands and enabling them to accelerate the implementation of their supply chain carbon targets in a way that develops standardized and collaborative approaches that can be replicated across the rest of the industry.

Apparel brands have increasingly complex supply chains with inputs from hundreds of suppliers across multiple tiers of the supply chain. This overlapping and fragmentation of the ecosystem means there are large inefficiencies when it comes to engaging the industry supply chain. Through the CLP brands are able to merge their efforts and leverage shared insights and knowledge, benefiting the entire industry.
Brands such as C&A, Target, Levi’s, Gap, Ralph Lauren, Nike, AEO, lululemon and many more have engaged with the CLP in the last two years, already achieving outstanding results that involve 100+ large manufacturers with wet processes in more than ten countries around the world.