Finance & Supply Chains Theatre

Financing Biodiversity: The Next Frontier for Private Sector Leadership

Day 1 : 12:00 – 12:50

We are not only in a climate crisis, but also a biodiversity crisis. The benefits and opportunities of nature-based solutions to address global biodiversity challenges have never been more urgently needed and relevant. Investments in nature-based solutions will be key to accelerating the pace and scale required for nature preservation.


  • According to the UN, investments in nature must triple by 2030 to help save ecosystems. However, the private sector currently provides only 14% of funding towards nature-based solutions. What are the barriers and knowledge gaps for unlocking private capital for nature-based solutions?
  • What are the opportunities and challenges of developing and scaling financially viable projects that bring positive nature and biodiversity impact? What opportunities exist for businesses to pursue new sources of revenue and reap the benefits of increased resilience and purpose?
  • Perspectives from risk mitigation, regulatory and policy alignment

Post-Event Actions

  • Rethink the role that your company and industry can play in accelerating the investment in initiatives that bring positive nature and biodiversity outcomes.


Bien Wong

Friends of the Earth (HK)

Honorary Treasurer and Board Governor

Bien Wong is a highly experienced professional with a background in ESG, investor relations, and public affairs in both mainland China and Hong Kong markets. He has worked with global firms and companies listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, and has specialised in assisting corporations in integrating sustainability concepts into their business strategies and steering green financing projects in the field of sustainability.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Everything has a price. Everything needs a price.

Hong Kong has yet to put a price on carbon through carbon tax or emission trade to reflect the polluter pays principle.

Stuart Beavis

Regional Lead for Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (Asia)

Stuart is the Asia-Pacific Regional Lead of the origination facility for the €160 million Dutch Fund for Climate and Development. He has directly worked on over 20 projects in the region, ensuring projects are structured to be business-ready and meet investment criteria. Prior to WWF, Stuart spent 25 years in the financial industry managing derivative sales and trading businesses at LSE, LIFFE, Salomon Brothers, HSBC, UBS, and Jefferies.

Jenny Fan

Executive Director, Sustainable Finance

Jenny Fan is the Executive Director of Sustainable Finance at ANZ in Hong Kong. She has over 15 years of experience at ANZ, previously serving as Co-Head of Debt Capital Markets for North Asia. Jenny works with major corporations and financial institutions, executing complex transactions across various banking functions. Her expertise lies in providing sustainable finance solutions to ANZ’s customers transitioning to a zero-carbon economy.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

To deepen my connection with nature and support sustainable practices that nurture the Earth and its inhabitants.

Lit Ping Low

Asia Pacific Sustainability, Climate Change, Partner

Lit Ping Low leads PwC’s Asia Pacific Climate Change practice. She is an experienced climate policy and finance economist with 20 years of experience providing advisory services to public and private sector clients on climate change, environmental and social issues. She has advised many businesses in their journey on integrating climate, nature and environmental issues within their businesses’ strategy, risk, investment and operations, across sectors such as infrastructure, real estate, retail and consumer and financial services.

She has collaborated with international organisations including WBCSD, WEF and CDP to raise awareness and advance the climate agenda. She was formerly a Senior Specialist to the World Bank’s Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation Practice, supporting governments in managing the financial risks of climate and disaster events.

Isaac Yeung

Head of Corporate ESG/ Head of Corporate Affairs

Having served at The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas, HK.0003) for over 30 years, Isaac Yeung’s experience spans ESG, company secretarial services, human resources, project investment, corporate affairs and beyond. He sits on the board of directors for multiple major gas companies with businesses across the Chinese Mainland. He is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Climate Governance Initiative HK Chapter.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

To elevate biodiversity risk mitigation and integrate TNFD into the risk management modeling of corporations.

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