Finance & Supply Chains Theatre

Financing Corporates’ Transition to Net Zero

Day 1 : 13:55 – 14:45

The journey to net zero can be daunting, especially for corporates with limited resources operating in an increasingly competitive and challenging macro-environment.   Although the journey begins with a single step, what does that first step look like?  To alleviate some of that anxiety, this panel will explore how the transition to net zero can be approached with credibility and confidence and given the considerable investment required to support the overall transition, how collaboration with the banks can help support in decarbonising/ climate-proofing their business.


  • What are the practical considerations on how corporates can approach the transition to net zero with real case studies?
  • How can data (incl. scope 3 disclosures) play a critical role in transition planning as well as engagement with stakeholders and ensuring integrity in financing structures?
  • How can banks align with clients on their journey to net zero and commit to supporting corporates with their own transition finance plans?

Post-event Actions

  • The importance of data as a foundation for a well-constructed transition plan.
  • Financing and other technological solutions available to corporates in their journey to net zero.

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