Finance & Supply Chains Theatre

Integrating Biodiversity for Financial Decision Making

Day 1 : 12:05 – 12:55

A leading report from the World Economic Forum in 2020 has already claimed that an estimated $44 trillion of economic value generation is directly and highly dependent on nature. This is more than half of global GDP. Therefore, financial institutions that fail to account for biodiversity risks and impacts may face financial, reputational, and regulatory challenges, while those that proactively integrate biodiversity can unlock new investment opportunities and enhance portfolio resilience.

With a mix of perspectives, experts from different industries will discuss nature-based solutions and share insights on the evolving regulatory landscape for biodiversity finance, and explore how to incorporate biodiversity finance.


  • Explore industry perspective on biodiversity finance.
  • Explore the latest relevant technologies related to biodiversity finance.
  • Discuss nature-based solutions and share insights on the evolving regulatory landscape for biodiversity finance.

Post-event Actions

  • Review and enhance their approach to incorporating biodiversity considerations into financial decision-making.
  • Identify opportunities to leverage nature-based solutions and innovative biodiversity finance mechanisms.
  • Monitor developments in the regulatory landscape for biodiversity finance and prepare to adapt their practices as needed.


Bien Wong

Friends of the Earth (HK)

Honorary Treasurer and Board Governor

Bien Wong is a highly experienced professional with a background in ESG, investor relations, and public affairs in both mainland China and Hong Kong markets. He has worked with global firms and companies listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, and has specialised in assisting corporations in integrating sustainability concepts into their business strategies and steering green financing projects in the field of sustainability.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Everything has a price. Everything needs a price.

Hong Kong has yet to put a price on carbon through carbon tax or emission trade to reflect the polluter pays principle.

Kim-See Lim

International Finance Corporation

Regional Director

Kim-See LIM is Regional Director for East Asia and the Pacific at the International Finance Corporation. Ms. Lim, is a global investment professional who has been responsible for originating, executing, and managing multibillion-dollar equity and debt portfolios in emerging markets across Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America.

With a career spanning more than 26 years, Ms. Lim has held senior leadership positions as well as corporate board positions at private companies in emerging markets. She has successfully led multi-cultural teams to execute investment strategies across the consumer services, infrastructure, and financial sectors.

As Regional Director, Ms. Lim oversees the formulation and implementation of IFC’s investment strategy and advisory business in East Asia and the Pacific. IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, has a US$13 billion portfolio in region.

Ms. Lim is passionate about climate change, inclusive growth, and innovation. She is based in Hong Kong and is fluent in English, Cantonese, and Bahasa. Ms. Lim has an MBA from University of Maryland, USA and undergraduate degree in Economics and Finance from Flinders University, South Australia, Australia.

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