Change Makers Stage

Hong Kong’s Green Talent: Rethinking Recruitment & Retention for the Future Workforce

Day 2 : 11:25 – 12:15

The increasing demand by young adults for jobs that would allow them to contribute towards the sustainability transition is clear. Amongst work-life balance, geography, good pay and benefits, and other factors, the opportunity to work in a sustainability-oriented role, function, company and industry has emerged as key to our younger workforce’s career considerations.


  • What is the state of play in Hong Kong? What green jobs will be in high demand?
  • How can industry best identify, recruit and retain young sustainability talents? How can we address current skills gaps via training and education? What are the pertinent opportunities and challenges?
  • How can we align company goals with the identities, incentives and expectations of young talents in sustainability?

Post-Event Actions

  • Consider the development of roles and upskilling/reskilling opportunities for your company and industry.


Dr. Meike Sauerwein


Dr. Meike Sauerwein is a faculty at HKUST and the academic lead of the HKUST Life Cycle Lab. Her research interests evolve around environmental assessment of systems & products and consumption behaviours with focus on of circular systems in FMCG & textile. She teaches about Sustainable Consumption & Life Cycle Assessment and its applications in business, sustainable finance, and policymaking. Meike also leads the Sustainability Education Working Group of the HK Sustainable Campus Consortium.

My sustainability goals for 2023:

Openness of Hong Kong’s citizens towards rethinking and redesigning lifestyles that minimize resources demands and protect wellbeing of current and future generations.

Bon Cheung

Civic Exchange

Research Analyst

Bon is graduated from the BSc student in Environmental Management and Technology at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Currently, he is working as a Research Analyst at Civic Exchange. He has been leading research related to transition finance and taxonomy development. Bon has published several impactful articles related to green and sustainable finance development in major newspapers and business magazines. One of his recent articles about ESG risks is featured in the Knowledge Hub of the Chartered Banker Institute. Bon has also been influencing the market by hosting industry workshops and talks for market practitioners. For instance, he has been invited as a guest lecturer in a course offered by HKU-SPACE (Certificate for Module: Leadership in Applied ESG and Sustainability). With these achievements, he was recognised and nominated as one of the representatives of the HKUST to compete for the Oxford Green Finance Prize 2023.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Bring Theory to Practise, Connect Stakeholders, Facilitate the Low Carbon Transition in the GBA.

Haily Chan

Swire Pacific

Manager, Sustainable Development

Haily has extensive experience in the field of corporate sustainability, including disclosures, strategy development, and stakeholder engagement. At Swire, she advises on key policies and developments related to sustainability and supports the implementation of the Group’s sustainability strategy, SwireTHRIVE, with a focus on managing water and supply chain impacts. She also manages the Group’s capacity building programmes and engagement strategy to further embed sustainability within the business.

My sustainability goals for 2024:

Enhance organisational sustainability fluency and literacy in support of SwireTHRIVE objectives.

Shruthe Kirupakaran

Renewable Analyst | NESS Founding Member

Shruthe is a Renewable Analyst at Brawn Capital and one of the Founding Members of the Network of Environmental Student Societies (NESS). With her passion for climate change awareness and action, she has worked on a number of projects focusing on ESG and Circular Economy. She believes that Responsible Consumption and Production is the key to a more sustainable future.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

I would like to see continued symbiotic relationship between different industries in the city where they mutually benefit each other through efficient use of resources for the goal of sustainability.

Priscilla Lin

Schneider Electric (Hong Kong) Limited

Sustainability and Strategy Manager

Priscilla Lin is the Sustainability and Strategy Manager at Schneider Electric (Hong Kong) Limited. She manages the company’s sustainability strategy and engages ecosystems in bridging sustainability and progress for all.

Before joining Schneider Electric, Priscilla was a sustainability professional in corporate sustainability consulting and a seasoned global citizenship education facilitator.

She is a participant in the 26th and 27th UN Climate Change Conferences in Glasgow and Sharm El Sheikh. Outside of work, she has co-founded The Shared Meal, a platform that promotes a sustainable food system and Solmunity, an initiative to drive community solar in Hong Kong.

My sustainability goals for 2024:

Empower and drive system-level climate action to secure a livable future for all.

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