BEC Business Transformation Theatre

Opening Welcome: Zero Waste in Action: Rethinking Retail

Day 2 : 10:30 – 10:45

 The pandemic has brought on unforeseen changes in the retail industry. In the past three years we have seen changes in consumer behaviour, where they have become increasingly demanding with the ease of purchasing while at the same time preferring to interact with brands that care for people and the environment. This programme looks to advance circular economy discussion in the retail industry, discuss how each segment minimises waste, keep materials and products in circulation along their business models. 


Merlin Lao

Head – Policy & Research

Mr. Merlin Lao is Head of Policy & Research at BEC. He leads the team to share develop clear policy positions on pressing climate and environmental topics in Hong Kong, through undertaking research on latest domestic and international trends, engaging with the Hong Kong SAR Government and connecting insights of the local business sector.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

Mainstream circular economy actions along all value chain processes.

Samuel Lee

Managing Director, Watsons Hong Kong, Chairman, Sustainability Task Force, HKRMA

Mr. Samuel Lee joined A.S. Watson Group since 2006 and was subsequently appointed as Managing Director of Watsons Hong Kong in 2019 to lead the team to take the business forward in the fast track of retail. He will continue to redefine the new connected O+O (Offline plus Online) customer journey and drive the acceleration of digital transformation by demonstrating strong team culture of delivering results of data led decisions making and agile execution, putting a smile on customers’ faces.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

Watsons commits in sustainability development in achieving its social purpose of “Look Good. Do Good. Feel Great.” and driving O+O (Offline plus Online) sustainability progress under Group’s Greener Stores Global Framework and Watsons’ 2030 Sustainability Targets.

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