BEC Business Transformation Theatre

Partnership for Community: Can we go Beyond Philanthropy?

Day 2 : 11:40 – 12:30

With support from businesses and community stakeholders, Sham Shui Po has become an exemplar of resilient neighbourhoods. Breaking away from the beneficiary-giver dichotomy, gaaifongs are empowered to shape their livelihoods and be champions of their neighbourhoods. How did the systematic shift come about, and how could it be realised?


Learnings 學習要點

  • Community support system being put in place: how gaaifongs have stepped up to lead and contribute to the neighbourhood
  • Measuring “S” in ESG: capturing social progress with rigorous research support
    衡量環境、社會和管治(ESG) 中的「社會」進程:以嚴謹研究,量度社會轉變
  • Mobilising different forms of capital for impact: leveraging unusual partnerships between philanthropists, corporates, gaaifongs, and community organisers to respond to evolving community needs

Post-event Actions 後續行動

  • Community mapping: what are the existing community stakeholders that my business can collaborate with in the neighbourhood?
  • Moonshot goal: what are the long-term changes you hope to see in the community?




Harmony Li 李端儀

Social Ventures Hong Kong

Head of Impact Community 社區創效主管

Ms. Harmony Li is the Head of Impact Community at Social Ventures Hong Kong (SVhk), she is also the Chief Empowerment Officer of HATCH (合廠) and COMM,ON (安所), two impact ventures dedicated to unleashing talent potentials in becoming change agents at workplace and in community. She possesses 15+ years of experience working in for-purpose sector, devoted to driving bottom-up participations and cross-sectoral collaborations in addressing social issues.

李端儀女士為香港社會創投基金(SVhk)社區創效主管,她同時是 HATCH (合廠) 及 COMM,ON (安所) 創效平台的Chief Empowerment Officer,兩者致力培育潛在人才在職場及社區成為創變者。李女士擁有15+年慈善機構工作經驗,銳意推動民間參與及跨界別協作,為社會議題塑造多元方案。

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