BEC Business Transformation Theatre

Reimagining our Third Sector: Building Cross-Sector Sandboxes in Neighbourhoods 重新構思第三部門:於社區創建跨部門沙盒

Day 2 : 10:50 – 11:40

How has the third sector – in particular nonprofit organisations (NPOs) – evolved to respond to increasingly complex social challenges in the city? Through in-depth case sharing from NPOs, we will understand how NPOs have leveraged partnerships with the private sector to develop prototypes that respond to community needs, combining NPOs’ strength in synthesising community intelligence and corporates’/families’ capital.

非牟利機構等第三界別該如何變革以應對城市中日益複雜的社會挑戰? 通過非牟利機構代表現身分享案例,聽眾將會了解到他們如何通過與私營機構建立合作夥伴關係,把機構自身的社區智慧與企業/家族資本的優勢結合,製造協同效應,共同發展能適切回應社區需求的創新方案。

Learnings 學習要點

  • The importance of community-centric innovation: rooted in communities, these cross-sector sandboxes correspond to community needs
  • An inspiration for talent engagement: by harnessing cross-sector talents’ expertise, we can forge new pathways for talents to contribute to social causes
  • Empowering our stakeholders:Through active engagement with community stakeholders, the social solutions developed within cross-sector sandboxes not only address community needs but also empower the involved stakeholders, ensuring sustainable success.

Post-event Actions 後續行動

  • Breaking silos: how can businesses proactively engage third sector organisations for community solutions? How could parties align their interests and objectives in developing mutually beneficial partnerships?
  • Rethinking businesses’ relationships with local communities: In what ways does my business contribute to a locality’s wellbeing?



Steven Tsoi


Co-Founder and CEO


CEO & Co-Founder, SONOVA

Chief Impact Evangelist, Social Ventures Hong Kong


Steven Tsoi is the Co-Founder of SONOVA and the Chief Impact Evangelist at Social Ventures Hong Kong. SONOVA ( is a cause-marketing agency ally with Social Ventures Hong Kong (SVhk, Through strategic partnerships with NGOs, educational institutions, foundations, and private sectors, seamlessly integrate industry and cause, fostering a philanthropic synergy that drives impactful change.

Steven brings over 20 years of experience in the Hong Kong media scene and over 10 years of experience in the corporate sector as an corporate trainer to his current roles to drive social innovation through impact storytelling, creating shared value (CSV) corporate projects, and curating impact experiences. His portfolio of social impact projects includes EXTRA MILE (community investment project of Airport Authority Hong Kong), Trust Tomorrow Campaign (initiated under Swire’s 150th anniversary celebration), Home Is… (CSV initiative of Yip’s Chemical), 404 Not F_und?: Err-venger Academy (powered by HKBN CSI Fund), and JC InnoPower (Social Worker Fellowship Programme by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust). Steven has advised numerous corporates and NGOs on media, PR, and communications to enable their social innovation ideas to reach a larger mainstream audience and accelerate the pace of social change for Hong Kong’s most pressing social issues.

Steven is a strong advocate for youth opportunities, believing that every youth has the potential to be a changemaker for a better tomorrow. He led the impact design and project development of several first-of-its-kind youth programmes in Hong Kong: Working Holiday@Lantau, Creative Beings@ Sham Shui Po, and Project MELO. –

Ning Fan 范寧

Health In Action, Forget Thee Not


作為一名外科醫生,范醫生一直在公共部門服務。多年來,他曾被紅十字會、無國界醫生組織派往戰區如南蘇丹、加沙、利比亞、及災區如海地、中國、尼泊爾。2010年在馬拉尼貧民窟工作期間受啓發回港創立了「醫護行者」,宗旨是推動社會健康公平,透過發展基層醫療,讓每一個人能夠得到適切的健康服務及各種公共政策以應對「影響健康的社會因素」(social determinants of health) ; 他利用創新的社區發展和公共衛生模式來幫助香港基層醫療的發展,如提供一站式跨專業醫療服務誘發康健中心之發展,與明愛構建「三房兩廳」成功提倡政府建立社區客廳幫助劏房戶,推動社福界開展不同類型的社會處方(social prescription) ,聯同香港大學藥理及藥劑學系推動政府在各區建立社區藥房等,最終目標是建立一個以健康生活為重點的可持續發展社區,並利用社會資本建設健康城市。



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