Buildings & Facilities Theatre

Adopting Circular Economy Principles for the Resource-Intensive Construction Industry

Day 1 : 17:10 – 18:00

Hong Kong continues to grapple with significant waste management challenges, including a steadily rising disposal rate and low resource recovery rate. The pandemic has exacerbated the issue by driving a surge in single-use item disposal, further straining the city’s waste systems. However, there is a growing movement to transform Hong Kong from a linear to a circular economy. This shift seeks to optimise resource utilisation, minimise waste generation, design for disassembly and reusability, and revitalise the recycling ecosystem.
The building and construction sector plays a crucial role in advancing circularity and waste reduction. By focusing on sustainable building and product design, implementing advanced construction and waste treatment methods, enabling digitalised platforms for waste flow back to the closed loop, and ensuring a well-coordinated supply chain, the sector can contribute significantly to Hong Kong’s carbon neutrality goals.


  • Grasp the concept of circularity in the local built environment context.
  • Identify hurdles and opportunities for the circular economy in the building and construction industry.
  • Discover existing and upcoming measures and initiatives that contribute to circularity in the built environment.

Post-event Actions

  • Adopt smart waste management systems on construction sites.
  • Discuss strategies for the widespread adoption of smart waste management practices.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to drive the transition to a circular economy.
  • Stay informed on the latest initiatives and movements associated with waste management in the construction industry.


Rex Wong

Kum Shing Group


Mr Rex Wong Siu-han, JP is the CEO of Kum Shing Group, which actively participates in decarbonization-related projects. He is currently a member of Hong Kong Housing Authority, Construction Industry Council (“CIC”), Occupational Safety and Health Council, Steering Committee of New Energy Transport Fund and the Council of the City University of Hong Kong. He also serves as a Board member of CIC-Zero Carbon Park, member of CIC’s Committee on Environment and Sustainability, as well as the First Vice-President of Hong Kong Construction Association. Mr. Wong is a qualified BEAM Pro, LEED AP and a registered architect in the USA.

王紹恆先生, JP是金城營造集團行政總裁。該集團積極參與重大減碳相關項目。王先生現為香港房屋委員會、香港建造業議會、職業安全健康局、新能源運輸基金督導委員會和城市大學校董會的成員。他亦是零碳天地董事會成員、建造業議會環境及可持續發展專責委員會成員,以及香港建造商會第一副會長。王先生是獲認可的綠建專才、LEED AP,亦是美國註冊建築師

Pak Yin Choi

World Economic Forum

Project Engagement Specialist – Sustainability & Innovation

Pak Yin CHOI is a Project Engagement Specialist – Sustainability & Innovation at the World Economic Forum. He currently supports the development of Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships in Hong Kong SAR and across Asia as part of the World Economic Forum’s Giving to Amplify Earth Action (GAEA) initiative. Previously, he worked at the Forum’s Beijing Representative Office, where he contributed to the development of national greening and territorial spatial planning under and various Forum nature initiatives in Greater China.

Before joining the World Economic Forum, Pak Yin worked at the UNEP Geneva Office, where he conducted policy research projects for national governments focused on nature-based solutions and sustainable infrastructure in developing countries.

Pak Yin holds an MSc in European and International Public Policy from the London School of Economics and a BSSc in Government and Public Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. Accelerate blended finance models that combine philanthropic and private capital for climate and nature innovation, positioning Hong Kong as a hub in Asia’s green transition.
2. Establish collaborative platforms in Hong Kong that bring together government, private, and philanthropic sectors to drive innovative climate and nature breakthroughs.

Michael Leung


General Manager

Experienced Managing Director with a demonstrated history of working in the construction industry in Australia, Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China. Skilled in Sales, Engineering, Construction Technology, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Account Management. Strong business development professional graduated from Ivey Business School at Western University, Imperial College London and HKUST. Before joining Hilti, Michael is a chartered structural engineer who involved in commercial, educational and infrastructure projects.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. More and more services applying circularity concept in construction industry
2. ⁠Full transparency in embodied carbon footprint (scope 3) in new construction projects

Dan Tsang

Hong Kong Waste Management Association

Ir Professor

Ir Prof. Dan Tsang is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Pao Yue-Kong Chair Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilisation at Zhejiang University in China. Dan was a Professor and MSc Programme Leader at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Visiting Professor at the University of Queensland in Australia and Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, Visiting Scholar at Stanford University in the US and IMETE Scholar at Ghent University in Belgium, and postdoctoral fellow at Imperial College London in the UK. He has more than 20 years of R&D experience, published more than 500 articles in top 10% journals, and was selected as Stanford University’s Top 2% Scientists and Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers in the academic fields of Engineering as well as Environment & Ecology. Dan’s team aspires to develop green technologies for long-term decarbonisation and promote resources circularity and sustainable development. Dan also serves as the founding Editor-in-Chief of npj Materials Sustainability, Chairman of the Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA), and Chairman of Waste Management Subcommittee of the Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE) of the Hong Kong SAR Government.


Theresa Wu

Environmental Protection Department

Assistant Director (Waste Infrastructure)

Ms. Theresa Wu has over 25 years’ experience in the planning, design and project management of large-scale waste-to-energy/resources recovery infrastructures, including the Integrated Waste Management Facilities (I PARK1 & I PARK2) and the Organic Resources Recovery Centre Phase 1 (O PARK1).  She has also involved in the formulation and implementation of various waste reduction and environmental policies.  Before joining the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, she was a consulting engineer responsible for drainage and sewerage master plan studies, upgrading of wastewater treatment plants, design of sewerage network for the development of Hong Kong Disneyland.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

I hope the waste reduction and recycling targets set forth under the Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035 could be gradually achieved so as to build Hong Kong into a liveable and sustainable city.

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