People & Purpose Theatre

Opening Welcome: Rethinking Health & Wellbeing

Day 2 : 14:25 – 14:30


Chan Man-yee, Grace

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Business Director

Grace Chan has dedicated 30 years of her career to social welfare and is Business Director of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. She is also a member of the Board of Directors and International Vice President of the International Federation on Ageing, demonstrating her commitment to improving the lives of older adults. In 2013, she was invited to join the Strategic Advisory Group for the WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities. She has also served as a member of the Elderly Commission and currently sits on several committees and boards in the statutory bodies of Hong Kong. Her areas of expertise include long-term care, age-friendly cities and communities, elderly participation, and innovation and technology for ageing. Her contributions to the field were recognized in 2019 when she was awarded the Ageing Asia Global Ageing Influencer. This honour recognizes outstanding achievements by influential leaders impacting ageing in the Asia Pacific. In 2022, she was honoured with the Most Successful Women Award by JESSICA, Hong Kong’s leading women’s media, to recognize her achievements and contributions to society.

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