Buildings & Facilities Theatre

Review of Progress on Low Carbon Construction in 2024

Day 1 : 16:10 – 16:20


Liam Salter

RESET Carbon Limited


Liam is Founder and CEO at RESET Carbon Ltd since 2009. RESET offers solutions to companies seeking to measure and reduce their carbon footprint with a focus on Asian markets.

Previously Liam was the Director of WWF’s International’s Asia-Pacific Climate Programme, where he built and managed a ten-country team. At WWF Liam also co-led the design and set-up of the Gold Standard, which is now a leading certification system for project level carbon offsets and other environmental and social attributes.

Liam holds a Masters of Science in Environmental Technology from Imperial College, London.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024

  • Our Carbon Leadership Programme for the apparel sector is one of the most innovative decarbonisation programs on the market. We want to accelerate its reach and scale up to deliver it across 350 manufacturing sites by the end of 2024.
  • Our work with the HK Proptech Alliance and Construction Industry Council is designed to promote procurement of low carbon construction materials through a dedicated Working Group.  Our goal in 2024 is to launch initial Procurement Guidelines to the market and secure long term funding for this initiative.