Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) has become one of the mainstreams in the business community locally and globally. Allied Sustainability and Environmental Consultants Group Limited (“AEC Group” or the “Company”; Stock Code: 8320.HK; together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) has launched Sustainature, an online ESG management platform. The platform simplifies the process of ESG data processing for enterprises of all types, analyzes and manages data in one place, and helps generate ESG reports in compliance with the requirements of Hong Kong Stock Exchange (“HKEX”).

As ESG digitalization becomes a significant trend, future sustainability reports are expected to be more comprehensive and cover more complete and quality ESG information to keep pace with stakeholders’ increasing attention to ESG issues, while advancing carbon neutrality and corporate sustainability in the long run. Meanwhile, HKEX has been tightening its disclosure requirements and shortened the period for publishing reports to within five months after the financial year end.

Collecting and disclosing data in a traditional way is no longer efficient, nor appropriate. Sustainature helps users collect and record ESG data from different business units anytime and anywhere, automatically calculates and analyzes the data, and generates HKEX compliant ESG reports with just a simple click. This platform greatly simplifies the reporting process, especially with limited time and resources. It is also equipped with target-setting feature and progress tracker, which allow companies to make better use of their data to formulate net-zero targets and track the progress against the goals.