Although most of us are aware of the urgency to change our behaviours and transform our models to achieve sustainability, collective inertia still prevails, which finds roots in some of our core cognitive functions as human beings: the [mis]perception that the effects of this major environmental crisis remain distant from our own lives, the belief that we – as an individual or a team – can only have a limited impact on the matter, the feeling that we should not move first and bear the associated risks and costs.
From Humans Matter’s perspective, such resistance mechanisms demonstrate a low Ability to Act, meaning a low ability to put in motion the necessary actions. The Ability to Act relies on two key socio-cognitive factors: agency and self-efficacy. Agency refers to one’s ability to autonomously and freely initiate the necessary steps to achieve these goals. Self-efficacy refers to the belief one has in their capacity to make a change.

Humans Matter leverages the Ability To Act model to assist organisations in achieving sustainable transformation. Our cognitive design approach puts human factors at the core of a successful transformation.
(1) Transforming business models by rethinking value: cognitive design for sustainable services and organisations
(2) Developing management practices enabling sustainability: the cognitive leader
(3) Engaging and empowering your collaborators: experiential learning
Read our other articles on this ReThink:Insight blog to learn more about our propositions and services for #transformingbusinessmodel #developingcognitiveleaders and #engagingandempowringcollaborators for sustainability.