After a year of delay, tens of thousands of participants, including Civic Exchange’s Lawrence Iu, flocked to Glasgow to join events, share ideas, and brainstorm solutions at COP26. The two weeks of diplomatic negotiations failed to put us on a safe pathway: there was no commitment to phase out coal, nor a long-awaited agreement to provide “loss and damage” funding. However, on the side lines, many pledges were made, and partnerships were forged. This is a welcome sign that both the private and public sector are taking strong notice of the climate issue. Here are two key developments at Glasgow that reaffirm the importance of collective, inclusive global action to address the climate crisis.

The race to resilience: COP26 was the first time the “race to resilience” entered the agenda. Aiming to helping the most vulnerable communities survive and thrive amid climate stresses, this campaign calls for more funding, better reporting, and greater transparency to put people and nature first. Hong Kong needs to strengthen city infrastructure and implement nature-based solutions to build our resilience.
Let’s involve youth to better shape our future: A joint meeting at COP26 between Ministers of Education and Ministers of Environment recognised the significance of building climate literacy. We need a generation of young people who are aware of climate issues, can make responsible, positive decisions, and can motivate community action. Civic Exchange’s Young Environment Ambassadors Programme grants youths with opportunities to promote sustainable lifestyles in Hong Kong. Let’s do more to empower our youth.