Change Makers Stage

Integrating the STEAM Model for the Next Generations of Sustainability Practitioners

Day 2 : 11:35 – 12:25

Conventionally, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) has been the foundation of secondary education, providing comprehensive learning. The recent integration of the Arts (STEAM) has complemented this analytical focus, creating a more well-rounded educational model. This STEAM approach can be equally impactful in the corporate realm, driving sustainable transformation and workforce development. As organizations navigate the challenges of the journey toward carbon neutrality, the STEAM model offers a strategic advantage. By fostering creativity, critical thinking, and innovation, in addition to technical skill development, the STEAM framework facilitates a more holistic approach to addressing sustainability initiatives.

This session aims to showcase the importance of the STEAM approach in cultivating the essential skills required to tackle pressing sustainability challenges across environmental, economic, and social domains. By leveraging both analytical and creative capabilities, the STEAM model equips individuals and organizations with the problem-solving skills and holistic development approach needed to drive sustainable progress.

Moreover, this session aims to initiate a conversation on possible collaborations that businesses can pursue to integrate the STEAM model into their workforce development strategies. Exploring how a STEAM-integrated workforce can more efficiently drive sustainability innovation and decarbonization efforts, by nurturing a diverse, adaptable, and future-ready talent pool.


  • How does a STEAM approach enhance the quality of the workforce in sustainability careers?
  • How does STEAM empower and propel sustainability innovation in organisations?
  • How and what collaborations can businesses explore to integrate a STEAM model to foster a sustainable workforce?

Post-Event Actions: 

  • Reflect on and revise your organisation’s requirements for talent and alignment of in-house education and training programmes.
  • Consider the composition of teams working on developing or incorporating sustainable solutions. How can the composition of such teams be diversified in a way that would drive innovation?
  • Explore collaborations to integrate a STEAM model for sustainable workforce development.


Clare Pang

2041 Hong Kong

Strategic Communications and Events Manager

Clare is the Strategic Communications and Events Manager at 2041 Hong Kong, a youth-led organisation that strives to build a community seeking to inspire, advocate, and catalyse change for sustainability and climate action. She is driving creative projects with a team of curators to extend the sustainability message to the wider community through immersive arts and exhibitions. Outside of 2041 Hong Kong, she also serves as a Specialist, Sustainability at HK Express, focusing on supporting sustainable improvements in the aviation industry’s flight operations, waste management, and community engagement.

Prior to joining HK Express, Clare worked in the green building and tourism fields, focusing on youth education, marketing, and mega events. She holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Management from the University of Hong Kong and is a Certified ESG Analyst.

My sustainability goals for 2024:

  1. More collaboration opportunities among the SMEs & youth led organisations
  2. Comprehensive waste management policy in the city to handle recyclables & promote circular economy

Dr Margaret Burnett

Centre for Civil Society and Governance, The University of Hong Kong

Programme Director

Currently the Programme Director for the Master of Social Science in Sustainability Leadership and Governance, in the Centre for Civil Society and Governance at the University of Hong Kong. Margaret has developed this Master programme to enhance learning, grow deeper understanding, and enable professionals to implement sustainability initiatives across all roles. Empowering both students and clients to integrate sustainability into personal and core organizational decision-making processes as this is time critical and, the focus the programme. She is often a guest speaker, and partners with organizations to provide support to their in-house sustainability strategies, currently through the lens of climate change related factors, and mechanisms for greater stakeholder engagement.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

For leaders, at all levels, to put into action significant changes to their operating environment given the tools at their disposal, and a greater level of authentic collaboration that truly seeks human-centric solutions. Let’s be on the right side of the climate change battle!

Brian Cheng

Generation Hong Kong

Chief Executive Officer

Brian is the CEO of Generation Hong Kong since its launch in early 2018, with the mission to transform the education to employment system to prepare, place, and support people into life-changing careers that would otherwise be inaccessible. On top of his role with Generation, Brian is passionate about supporting the community in various capacities. Brian currently serves as a Council member of the Hong Kong Productivity Council, a member of the Advisory Committee on Gifted Education under Education Bureau, and the Honorary Advisory Committee of Enactus Hong Kong. Brian holds a BA and an MBA from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In addition, he is the recipient of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Chicago Booth Executive MBA Program Scholarship and holds an Executive MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Education to employment systems, youth empowerment, talent beyond academics

Tommie Lo


Founder & CEO

Preface is a pioneering EdTech company that revolutionises education for both corporates and individuals by harnessing state-of-the-art Blockchain and AI-based infrastructure. By decentralising content creation and delivery, Preface empowers learners with the most current and relevant tech education and training, ensuring they stay at the forefront of industry trends and technological advancements.

As founder and CEO, Tommie leads Preface in disrupting traditional education through re-engineering content creation and re-designing the concept of classrooms. His profound technical expertise and entrepreneurial insights have garnered recognition from esteemed academic institutions and global corporations, including Google, Meta, HSBC, and Samsung, who seek his expertise in leading training programs.

My sustainability goals for 2024:

1. Thinking Beyond Content Delivery:

Recognising the widening technology gaps that the then-education system was struggling to fill, Preface expanded its offerings to provide a broader scope of technology training, beyond just coding, for both students and adults in schools and corporations.

Rather than just focusing on teaching specific technology skills, the goal should be on how to use these skills to think and solve problems. Using AI doesn’t mean that humans don’t need to think and that the process may involve even more human thinking and evaluation.

2. Linking Learning with Lifestyle:

To make knowledge “drinkable, eatable, and digestible.” By offering technology training using AI-powered learning materials and a more personalised curriculum, the purpose of Tommie’s innovations was to decentralise traditional classroom settings so that learning could happen anywhere, whether it’s at a restaurant, coffee shop, or while traveling.

Samantha Woods

Swire Coca-Cola Ltd

Sustainability Director

Samantha is Director of Sustainability at Swire Coca-Cola, the fifth largest bottling partner for The Coca-Cola Company by global volume. She is responsible for developing policies and activation plans to help deliver the company’s 2030 sustainability strategy and environmental targets across its operations in Greater China, Southeast Asia and the US. Prior to this, she was a Sustainable Development Manager at John Swire & Sons (HK) Ltd, led the Hong Kong sustainability consulting team at ELEVATE Limited, and cofounded a social enterprise promoting rooftop farming in Hong Kong. Samantha firmly believes that what’s good for the planet and people, is good for business too.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Inspire and empower sustainability advocates inside and outside of our business

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