Tech Talks: Sustainable Technology in Urban Planning

Day 1 : 15:45 – 16:05


Liza Li

Auki Labs

Business Development Manager

Liza Li is dedicated to unlocking the transformative power of spatial computing. Despite the constraints of time, Liza’s commitment to sustainable innovation has made her a driving force in the industry. As a seasoned business development professional, she leverages her expertise to help clients across various sectors unlock new opportunities and create impactful spatial experiences.

Liza firmly believes that spatial computing will shape the future. She enables organizations to reimagine their processes, enhance collaboration, and drive sustainable transformation through the strategic integration of spatial computing solutions.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

To reduce reliance on single-use plastics and landfills, Hong Kong will expand recycling and composting programs across sectors and make them more accessible to residents.
Public awareness campaigns will educate citizens on proper waste separation, reducing single-use plastics, and the benefits of recycling and composting.
These efforts will encourage a culture of sustainable waste management among Hong Kong’s residents.

Vitaly Pentegov

UrbanChain Group


Vitaly worked as data specialist at Google, then moved to Dialog to serve Fortune 500 clients as IT manager. Moving to SMBC’s corporate banking afterwards, gave him insights about urban inefficiencies and motivated to found UrbanChain Group in Hong Kong.

Alysha Wong

Butler Asia

Business Development

Alysha is the leading sales and business development at Butler, with a background in engineering and extensive experience in property management and sales. AT Butler, she spearheads efforts to promote ESG initiatives through innovative solutions, empowering clients to advance their sustainability goals by providing energy-saving tips to tenants, capturing social and wellness-related data, facilitating paperless operations, and integrating energy-saving technologies.

With her technical background and passion for sustainability, Alysha is at the forefront of driving positive change in the property management sector, helping businesses align their operations with ESG principles and create more sustainable, efficient, and socially responsible environments.

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